Ryan Kennedy
1 min readMay 10, 2019


I understand where you are coming from. Umair is certainly an unusual guy.

It’s funny that you think he is slick, because he reminds me of myself. A little too earnest and intellectual for his own good. Looking at his biography, he seems to have a mainstream business-academic pedigree but my sense is that his conclusions on American capitalism have become increasingly downbeat. For a business writer, openly expressing those viewpoints must have been akin to financial suicide. I see that he’s had some health problems as well. I think he’s had a come to god moment and really wants to do some good.

I’m pretty sure he’s supporting himself off medium these days so he depends on the frequent articles for his livelihood. I see no reason why he couldn’t write a 1000 words a day, especially with a dozen “you see my friends…” thrown in. LOL. He definitely has a strong and unique voice. I don’t see a bunch of trolls able to copy that. A well reasoned argument for social democracy is a hard sell in the US, but it isn’t exactly a hot button issue that will instantly enrage people.

In fact I hope that he does get some kind of funding from some social democracy institute loosely affiliated with some nordic state. I’d like to think that there are some groups trying to fill the void in democracy and social justice now that the New Deal / Great Society elements of American political thought has been decimated.



Ryan Kennedy

L.A. Based Writer, Marketing and Branding Guru, Urbanist and Producer